Dori loves to "help" me in the kitchen.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

16 Down, 104 To Go

So far life over here in Afghanistan has not been too bad. I have already received several care packages from friends and family. Thank you sooooo much! This tends to make my co-workers a bit jealous but that secretly makes me happy. My team here is pretty awesome. We do everything together, drive to work, eat, work, eat, work, eat, work, drive home. Our days range from 12-14 hours depending on the work load and we will have zero off days. However, if the mission allows we are able to go to the boardwalk or the bazaar (only on Saturdays) to look around and shop if we want. So all in all life isn't to bad but keep in mind this is only 16 days in right now. My story could drastically change in the next month or so when I am completely burnt out. I will keep you posted.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Friday, December 30, 2011

What to eat on New Year's Day.....?

I have never been one for this tradition of eating "lucky foods" on New Year's Day. Growing up I don't think we ever ate a specific meal on that day and I have never experienced a year of "bad luck". However, I thought this year that I would look into it a little more into it to see what people actually eat on the 1st day of January. To my dismay, there is actually no specific meal to fix. It seems that it really depends on where you are from and sometimes even your religion. So seeing as how I am a little Germany and a little Dutch I thought I would combine those meals if I could. In Germany, pork and sauerkraut are the main elements of their New Year's feast. The Sauerkraut is made from cabbage leaves which is said to represent paper money. I like the sound of that! And pork...well probably because that is what most Germans eat on a daily basis. Now to my favorite...the Dutch portion. DONUTS! That's right! The Dutch eat these round delectable pastries on New Year's day. In the Netherlands anything with this shape symbolizes something "coming full circle". So maaaaaaaybe, if I eat enough doughnuts on Sunday, I will finish everything I start in 2012. Not likely, but why not give it a try?

Thursday, December 22, 2011


When dooms day comes I will want a garage full of eggs. Eggs are like the Swiss army knife of food! Seriously! Breakfast, lunch, or doesn’t matter when or how you eat them. Last night I made little egg casseroles in a muffin pan. I sautéed bacon, mushrooms, bell peppers, onion, and spinach in a pan. In a separate bowl I mixed six eggs and some milk and a scoop of flour together. Why flour? Well, the flour will sink to the bottom to form a crust. Who wants to waste time making a crust when you can just scoop some flour and call it good. And it WAS good too. My boyfriend had one last night for a late snack, I had some for breakfast at work, and I even brought some in for a coworker (whose name shall remain anonymous) to try. It's amazing how something so simple...eggs...can do so much.