Dori loves to "help" me in the kitchen.

Friday, December 30, 2011

What to eat on New Year's Day.....?

I have never been one for this tradition of eating "lucky foods" on New Year's Day. Growing up I don't think we ever ate a specific meal on that day and I have never experienced a year of "bad luck". However, I thought this year that I would look into it a little more into it to see what people actually eat on the 1st day of January. To my dismay, there is actually no specific meal to fix. It seems that it really depends on where you are from and sometimes even your religion. So seeing as how I am a little Germany and a little Dutch I thought I would combine those meals if I could. In Germany, pork and sauerkraut are the main elements of their New Year's feast. The Sauerkraut is made from cabbage leaves which is said to represent paper money. I like the sound of that! And pork...well probably because that is what most Germans eat on a daily basis. Now to my favorite...the Dutch portion. DONUTS! That's right! The Dutch eat these round delectable pastries on New Year's day. In the Netherlands anything with this shape symbolizes something "coming full circle". So maaaaaaaybe, if I eat enough doughnuts on Sunday, I will finish everything I start in 2012. Not likely, but why not give it a try?

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