Dori loves to "help" me in the kitchen.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


When dooms day comes I will want a garage full of eggs. Eggs are like the Swiss army knife of food! Seriously! Breakfast, lunch, or doesn’t matter when or how you eat them. Last night I made little egg casseroles in a muffin pan. I sautéed bacon, mushrooms, bell peppers, onion, and spinach in a pan. In a separate bowl I mixed six eggs and some milk and a scoop of flour together. Why flour? Well, the flour will sink to the bottom to form a crust. Who wants to waste time making a crust when you can just scoop some flour and call it good. And it WAS good too. My boyfriend had one last night for a late snack, I had some for breakfast at work, and I even brought some in for a coworker (whose name shall remain anonymous) to try. It's amazing how something so simple...eggs...can do so much.

1 comment:

  1. "High-Five" to your first blog entry!!!

    I would have to say maybe a garage full of chickens to make you eggs might be better and longer lasting as far as a long supply of eggs go.

    I do have to say every egg based meal you have prepared has been very appetizing, and I look forward to your next creation!
